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Smart UWSS Symposium, June 21, 2017
Inaugural Workshop for Smart Urban Water Supply Systems (Smart UWSS) during August 14-22, 2016
A summary of the main contents and activities of this workshop is as follows:
(1) Four introductory lectures on Duct Acoustics (in total 12 hours) were given by Prof. SW Rienstra, Professor, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands.
(2) Four seminars related to this project were given by the invited advisory board members:
(a) Prof. A Vardy, the University of Dundee, Scotland;
(b) Prof. V Nikora, the University of Aberdeen, UK;
(c) Prof. MH Garcia, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign;
(d) Prof. P Goodwin, President of IAHR, the University of Idaho, USA.
(Left) Lecture “Sonic booms from Railway tunnels”, Prof. A Vardy, on 17 Aug 2016; (Right) Lecture "Open channel turbulence: recent advances and implications for river engineering and stream ecology" Prof. V Nikora, on 18 Aug 2016.
(Left) Lecture “Coupling of urban hydrology, tunnels, and Chicago waterways models”, Prof. MH Garcia, on 20 Aug 2016;(Right) Lecture “Balancing Water Supply Reliability and Ecosystem Restoration: example of the San Francisco Bay–Delta in California, USA”, Prof. P Goodwin, on 22 Aug 2016.
(3) Current progress and achievements of the project were reported and discussed by the team members (Prof. MS Ghidaoui; Prof. JHW Lee; Dr. D. McInnis; Prof. B Brunone and Dr. S Meniconi; Prof. RD Murch). Meanwhile, a PhD Thesis work was presented by Mr. M Louati on high frequency waves in water filled pipes.
Progress report on “Task 3: progress, challenges and plans for next year”, Prof. RD Murch, on 18 Aug 2016
(4) Professional meetings were held between the project team, advisory board members and the representatives from WSD, HKSAR to discuss on the missions and future plans of this project.
Meeting with WSD representatives on the morning of 19 Aug 2016
(5) Two technical visits were arranged to the large-scale drainage project in Hong Kong and the planned field test site of this project.
Field visit to the project “Happy Valley Underground Stormwater Storage Scheme” on 19 Aug 2016.
(Left) Water Supplied Department (WSD) leakage detection training facility under construction at Beacon Hill, visited on 19 Aug 2016; (Right) The measurement chamber in Ngau Tau Kok DMA, visited on 19 Aug 2016.
Lectures on underwater acoustics by Prof. Yang TC
One of our team member, Prof. Yang TC, has given a series of lectures on underwater acoustics in 16-24 May, 2016. The invaluable knowledge from Prof. Yang can guide the experiments on high frequency waves in HKUST.
Workshop on “Smart Urban Water Systems – defect localization and acoustic communication in water”, 12 Feb 2015, organised by Prof MS Ghidaoui and Prof R Murch
Presentation powerpoints in pdf format:- Smart Urban Water Supply Systems (Smart UWSS) : Prof MS Ghidaoui, HKUST
- The Experimental Facility for Wave-based Defect Detection at University of Perugia, Italy : Prof B Brunone, University of Perugia, Italy
- Waves as Defect Detection – The Italy Experience : Prof S Meniconi, University of Perugia,Italy
- Fluid transients and Fluid-structure Interaction – Issues of Resonance and Noise : Prof AS Tijsseling, Department of Mathematics and Computing Science, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
- Frequency versus Time Domain Methods for Defect Detection : Prof HF Duan, The Hong Kong PolyU
- Underwater Acoustic Communication : Prof YR Zheng, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA
- Digital Communications – Introduction to Key Concepts and their Relations to Acoustic Water Column Channels : Prof RD Murch& V Lau, HKUST
- Modern Signal Processing Methods for Sequence Design : Prof DP Palomar, ECE, HKUST
- Low Power Sensors for Urban Water System Applications : Prof A Bermak, HKUST
- A Probabilistic Framework for solving Inverse Problems : Prof L Katafygiotis, HKUST
- Mathematical Challenges in Using Waves as Defect Detection : Prof J Zou, CUHK
- Real-time Data Acquisition for Urban Water Systems : Prof JHW Lee, HKUST
- Role of
High Frequency
Waves in Acoustic Imaging of UWSS
: Mr M Louati, HKUST